Anxiety Treatment is provided for anxious teens and children or anxious adults.

Spotting the Signs: How to Identify Anxiety Symptoms in Children and Teens

Are you tired of dismissing your child’s anxiety as just “typical growing pains”? Well, fear not! Mosaic Reflections Therapy is here to help you differentiate between common childhood worries and the more severe condition of anxiety. Think of us as your own personal anxiety GPS – guiding you toward a better understanding of your child’s…

Photography of People Graduating

Empowering Successful Teens: Proven Strategies to Raise A Successful Teenager Through Life’s Transitions

Navigating the journey of adolescence involves supporting successful teens through a series of significant physical, emotional, and cognitive transitions. From the onset of puberty to the impending approach of adulthood, these formative years are characterized by change and growth. Amidst these transformations, teenagers may experience heightened self-consciousness, worries, and confusion. Furthermore, adolescents face new social…

Red-haired Girl Standing Near Plant

Beyond Growing Pains: 10 Warning Signs From A Child Therapy Expert That Your Child Might Benefit from Therapy

As a parent, you know your child and you can tell when something isn’t quite right with them. Some of these signs can be very clear, but there are other signs that may be more difficult to identify. When it comes to a child’s mental health, it can be a challenge to know when to…