The demands of parenting can be overwhelming. Therapy for parents who are having a difficult time with their own mental health or the mental health of their child can be helpful. Reach out today to begin Parenting Therapy in North Carolina and South Carolina.
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You Are Your Child’s Mirror: Why Teaching Coping Skills Starts with You

As a mom, you’ve probably experienced moments when your child’s emotions feel like a tornado tearing through your house—screaming, crying, meltdowns over things that seem minor to you but feel monumental to them. It’s exhausting, overwhelming, and sometimes downright frustrating. You may find yourself thinking, Why can’t they just calm down? But before we put…

A Hurricane, such as Helene in North Carolina can leave scars of PTSD for many years to come. Techniques such as brainspotting can help with healing trauma, anxiety, depression, and PTSD related to a natural Disaster. If you have been impacted by Hurricane Helene or a natural disaster and reside in NC or SC call today to begin virtual therapy.

Trauma, Anxiety, and PTSD After Hurricane Helene Floods Western North Carolina

Healing Trauma After Devastation: Rebuilding Your Mental Health After Hurricane Helene in North Carolina On September 26, 2024, Hurricane Helene, a category 4 hurricane, came ashore in Florida. As it moved toward the north, it left unfathomable devastation in its path. Hurricane Helene flooded much of the mountainous areas of Western North Carolina. Cities were…

Grounding and Centering for relaxation written by a therapist in Matthews, North Carolina.

Finding Your Balance: Essential Grounding and Centering Techniques

Mosaic Reflections Therapy strives to guide people through the complexities of life with effective grounding and centering techniques. In today’s fast-paced world, most people are constantly bombarded with stimuli. This can lead to feelings of disorientation and stress. It is crucial to discover practices that create a sense of stability and calmness within oneself. Let’s…