Laying awake night after night due to symptoms of PTSD is exhausting and overwhelming. Heal from your past trauma and learn how Brainspotting can help heal your past. Call today for a brainspotting session in NC or SC.
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Healing and Relief for Overwhelmed Moms: How Brainspotting Therapy Transforms Trauma

Brainspotting Therapy for Overwhelmed and Stressed-Out moms who are experiencing trauma in Charlotte, NC. Trauma can show up as symptoms similar to Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, or Anger. Reach out today to schedule a Brainspotting Therapy session for women in Matthews, NC and across the state of North Carolina and South Carolina.

Navigating Motherhood in North Carolina: When Anxiety and Past Trauma Weigh You Down, Brainspotting Therapy Can Help

Trauma, Anxiety, & Sleepless Nights

It’s 3am. You’re wide awake, your mind is racing, and your heart is pounding. It’s another night with a nightmare from your past that you can’t seem to shake. You tiptoe down the hall to check on the kids. They’re sound asleep. You breath a sigh of relief but there are tears in your eyes and you notice you’re trembling.

You stand in the doorway for a moment, watching each breath they make, so peaceful, so unaware of the anxiety and panic raging inside you. The kind of panic that wakes you up drenched in sweat, heart pounding like you’ve just run a marathon, with the past pulling you back into memories you’d rather forget. You tell yourself you’re safe now—everyone is safe—but your body doesn’t seem to believe it.

You wipe away the tears, hoping they don’t wake up and see you vulnerable. You’re supposed to be the strong one, but tonight, you’re the scared child again. The house is too quiet, memories too loud. Tomorrow, you’ll push through—smiling, pretending you’re okay.

Sleepless nights can be a result of trauma. Trauma therapy in North Carolina can help you heal your traumatic past. Brainspotting therapy is an effective treatment for trauma. Call today to begin Brainspotting Therapy for Trauma in North Carolina.

Is There Hope? Being an Overwhelmed Mom is Exhausting

In previous posts, we dove into the idea of embracing the beautiful mess that is motherhood. But, what if you can’t seem to get there? What more may be happening? Let’s be honest about what some moms may be experiencing. Being a mom can also feel like a whirlwind of sleepless nights, overwhelming responsibilities, and emotional rollercoasters.

For many moms, especially those navigating past traumas, this juggling act can be even more challenging.

If you’re one of those moms who feels weighed down by


past hurts

emotional exhaustion

There’s a therapy that might just be a game-changer for you: Brainspotting.

Brainspotting Therapy can help moms who have experienced trauma and past hurts. Symptoms of trauma may show up as anxiety, ADHD, anger, or depression. If you're ready to begin brainspotting therapy in North Carolina or South Carolina, call today!

In this post, we’ll talk about how brainspotting therapy can help you heal from trauma and feel more emotionally grounded. If you’re feeling lost, exhausted, or stuck in a constant loop of worry, brainspotting might help. It’s a simple yet powerful therapy tool. Brainspotting could be the solution you’ve been searching for.

Brainspotting is a bottom up approach to therapy, meaning you don't have to talk to process emotions or trauma. Brainspotting bypasses the Neocortex or Thinking brain and targets the limbic system or feeling brain where trauma is stored. Brainspotting is for everyone! Find out how you can get started with your brainspotting therapy in North Carolina or SC.

What Is Brainspotting Therapy?

Brainspotting therapy is an amazing approach to emotional healing that goes beyond traditional talk therapy. Developed by Dr. David Grand in 2003, brainspotting helps identify, process, and release trauma stored deep in the brain and body. The process of brainspotting is simple yet the results are incredible. Our eyes and gaze position can directly access painful memories and emotions. These are stored in the brain’s subcortical system.

This therapy is unique because it allows for deeper emotional processing by bypassing the “thinking” brain (the neocortex) and tapping into the “feeling” brain (the limbic system).

The result? Brainspotting for trauma gives moms a way to release emotional pain without needing to put everything into words, which can be tough when you’re overwhelmed or unsure of how to articulate complex feelings.

How Brainspotting Therapy Works

Imagine for a moment that your mind is like a tangled ball of yarn. Each knot represents a worry, a trauma, or a stressor. Brainspotting therapy acts like a tool that helps you unravel those knots, one by one, in a way that feels natural and not forced. During a session, a trained therapist will guide your gaze to a specific “brainspot,” which is the point in your field of vision that connects directly to where the emotional charge or trauma is stored in the brain.

It sounds almost magical, but there’s research to back it up. When your gaze is directed toward a brainspot, your body and brain naturally start to release stuck energy. This energy is often tied to past traumas or negative emotions. Brainspotting Therapy is powerful for moms juggling day-to-day challenges. It also helps with unresolved emotional pain from the past.

Brainspotting helps untangle the knots (trauma and intense emotions) in a way that feels natural.

Overwhelmed Moms Benefit from Brainspotting Therapy

For moms feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of motherhood, managing a household can be exhausting. Dealing with the remnants of past trauma only adds to the struggle. You may find yourself angry and yelling at the kids or loved ones. You may find yourself tearful and crying at the smallest things.

Finding a moment of peace can feel impossible. You might be constantly worrying about your children, feeling disconnected from your partner, or running on autopilot just to get through the day. If you’ve been feeling emotionally raw and drained, brainspotting therapy can offer a way to reset and reclaim your emotional well-being.

Moms are often masters of multitasking, but that also means they are highly prone to emotional burnout. When you’re caring for others 24/7, it can be hard to care for yourself. That’s where therapy can step in. Traditional talk therapy can be helpful, but brainspotting works faster in addressing the root causes of emotional distress, making it an excellent option for moms who are stretched thin.

Past traumatic experiences can show up at any time. The symptoms of trauma may appear as sudden mood swings, constant re-experiencing, or a nervous system shift. A person experiencing trauma symptoms may lose sleep, feel on edge, or have trouble focusing. Reach out today to begin Brainspotting therapy for trauma in North Carolina or South Carolina.

Brainspotting for Trauma: A Gentle Yet Powerful Approach

Many overwhelmed moms experience feelings of anxiety, depression, or burnout that may be linked to unresolved trauma. Trauma doesn’t have to be a major event like an accident or abuse; it can stem from experiences like birth trauma, the loss of a loved one, or even ongoing stress and emotional neglect from childhood. The key is that trauma therapy needs to help you feel safe while you process those deep-seated emotions.

Brainspotting for trauma is designed to do just that. Because this therapy accesses the deeper brain areas responsible for emotion and trauma storage, you don’t have to relive painful memories in detail. The process allows for a gentle, yet profound, healing experience.

Whether you’re struggling with a specific traumatic event or just a lingering sense of unease, brainspotting therapy helps address and release the root causes.

How Brainspotting Therapy Supports Emotional Regulation

Let’s face it, mom life can be an emotional rollercoaster. Between sleep deprivation, tantrums, and the sheer mental load of managing your household, it’s easy to feel emotionally unbalanced. Over time, this can lead to emotional dysregulation, where you might find yourself snapping at your kids, feeling constant guilt, or even crying at the drop of a hat.

One of the remarkable aspects of brainspotting therapy is its ability to support emotional regulation. By targeting and healing unresolved traumas, brainspotting for trauma helps calm the nervous system, giving you more emotional bandwidth to handle the challenges of daily life.

Experiencing symptoms of trauma is exhausting, and even more so a a mom with added pressures of keeping the family functioning. Begin Trauma healing in North Carolina and South Carolina.

Moms who have undergone brainspotting therapy often report feeling calmer, more grounded, and better equipped to manage stress.

Brainspotting for Moms with ADHD or Anxiety

If you’re a mom with ADHD or anxiety, you might already feel like your brain is always “on,” jumping from one task or worry to the next. Brainspotting therapy can help calm that mental chatter and give you a new sense of clarity and focus. By addressing the root causes of emotional overwhelm, this type of trauma therapy can make it easier to manage your responsibilities without feeling constantly frazzled.

Healing from PTSD can be difficult with a top-down approach like talk therapy. Brain spotting may be successful for those who are wanting healing on a deeper level. Call today to begin healing for trauma in NC or SC.

For moms with ADHD, brainspotting therapy has been shown to reduce the intensity of emotional dysregulation, making it easier to navigate day-to-day tasks and manage stress without feeling constantly overstimulated.

For those dealing with anxiety, brainspotting for trauma can lessen the constant feeling of “what if” by releasing stored emotional pain that fuels anxiety patterns.

Is Brainspotting Therapy Right for You?

Imagine parenting from a place of emotional calm, feeling more present and connected with your family. The past no longer weighs you down. That’s what brainspotting therapy can offer you.

It’s not just about surviving the day anymore. It’s about thriving as a mom and feeling like yourself again.

If you’re a mom constantly feeling overwhelmed, disconnected, or burdened by past trauma, brainspotting therapy could help. Unlike traditional talk therapies, which take time to explore emotions, brainspotting offers quicker access to deep healing.

Final Thoughts

Motherhood is full of complexities and emotional highs and lows. If you’ve been feeling like you’re drowning under the pressures of mom life, you’re not alone. Trauma, whether big or small, affects how we navigate challenges. It doesn’t have to define your experience. Brainspotting therapy is an effective tool for processing and releasing trauma. It helps you show up as the best version of yourself. Not just for your family, but for you.

If you’re ready to explore a new way of healing, consider giving brainspotting a try. It’s time to take back your emotional health and start feeling like yourself again!

Spending time together is what moms live for. Heal from the past and learn ways where you can feel like yourself again as a mom and woman. Call today to begin Counseling in NC or SC.

Certified Brainspotting Therapist, Eleena Hardzinski, LMFT provides Online Brainspotting Therapy in Matthews, NC, Charlotte, NC, Statewide in North Carolina and State Wide in South Carolina.

Eleena Hardzinski is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Brainspotting Therapist practicing online in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Wisconsin.

Eleena supports women struggling with motherhood, relationships, past traumas, and anxiety. She helps moms find balance, overcome guilt, establish healthy boundaries, heal from past traumas, improve family communication, and regain confidence and joy in their lives.

Learn more about Eleena

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