Trauma Therapy

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Are you stuck in a pattern of reliving flashbacks, have extreme feelings of worry or guilt, or have intense nightmares you can’t stop?

Do any of the following sound like you?

  • You have flashbacks or intrusive thoughts that make it hard to focus on the present.
  • You experience intense emotional reactions to certain situations, even when you know they’re not dangerous.
  • You struggle to trust others, including your partner or children, fearing that you’ll be hurt again.
  • You feel emotionally numb or detached, unable to connect with your children or experience joy.
  • You avoid situations or places that remind you of your trauma, limiting your activities and experiences.
  • You feel overwhelmed by guilt, shame, or self-blame, thinking you should be “over it” by now.
  • You often feel like you’re stuck in survival mode, just getting through each day without truly living.

What Is Trauma?

Trauma is a deeply personal and emotional response to distressing events. These can stem from a variety of experiences, such as abuse, neglect, loss, natural disasters, or violence, and can have a huge impact on a person’s mental, emotional, and physical self.

It is natural to feel afraid after a traumatic situation. Fear is a part of the body’s “fight or flight” response which helps us to protect ourselves against potential danger.

What one person finds traumatic may not be the same for someone else. 

The effects of trauma can be long-lasting, affecting daily functioning and relationships. Those who continue to experience symptoms may be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Healing from trauma takes time, understanding, and often professional support through therapy or counseling. 

Struggling with PTSD and Trauma is difficult. If you're in North Carolina or South Carolina, Trauma Therapy can help you. Break free from the constant worry, overwhelming thoughts, nightmares, or your fight or flight system going into overdrive. Heal from trauma with Trauma therapy. Call today to get started with Trauma Therapy in NC or SC.

What Are The Symptoms of Trauma?

  • Flashbacks or Terrible Memories
  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Nightmares or Vivid Distressing Dreams
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Exhaustion
  • Avoidance of Activities or Emotions
  • Anxiety / Depression
  • Hypervigilance or a Heightened State of Alertness
  • Feeling out of Control
  • Numbness or Feeling Detached
  • Dissociation
  • Emotional Dysregulation
  • Dysregulated Nervous System (Fight or Flight)
  • Self Destructive Behaviors
  • Feeling “On Guard”

Trauma Therapy Can Help

The story of your trauma doesn’t define you. With the right support, you can heal from your past, understand and manage your triggers, and build a life that feels safe, connected, and fulfilling.

Healing from PTSD can be challenging on your own. Brainspotting Therapy in North Carolina Can help heal symptoms from past traumatic events. Don't let PTSD get in the way of living your life with optimism. Call today to begin Trauma Therapy in North Carolina or South Carolina

I Help Clients:

  • Feel safe and grounded in your body, with tools to manage triggers and flashbacks.
  • Build stronger, more trusting relationships with your children and partner, free from fear or doubt.
  • Experience emotional connection and joy, fully engaging in your life and your role as a mom.
  • Let go of guilt, shame, and self-blame, embracing self-compassion and understanding.
  • Explore new experiences and places without being held back by your past.
  • Find a sense of peace and calm, knowing that you’re in control of your life and your future.
  • Move beyond survival mode, thriving as both a mom and an individual.
Eleena Hardzinski, LMFT is an Online Therapist and Brainspotting Therapist who works with Moms who are feeling stressed out and overwhelmed across the states of North Carolina and South Carolina | Call today to begin Online Trauma Therapy

Heal from the past

Let go of past hurts and secrets

Set healthy boundaries

Enjoy quality time with your loved ones

Feel confident in doing what you love

Step 1

Contact Eleena Hardzinski, LMFT to schedule your first appointment/intake session.

Step 2

Meet with Eleena Hardzinski, LMFT for an intake session.

Step 3

Start healing from the resentments and frustration you’re holding on to and begin to find joy in life while doing what you love with the people you love.