Depression Therapy

Available in North Carolina and South Carolina

Do you often feel like you’re not good enough, stuck, exhausted, unmotivated, or tearful?

Do any of the following sound like you?

What Is Depression?

Depression is a complex and often overwhelming emotional experience that can make every day feel like an uphill battle.

It’s more than just feeling sad or down

Depression can seep into every aspect of life, making it hard to find joy in the things that once brought happiness. It’s not a sign of weakness or a character flaw; it’s a real and challenging medical condition that affects many women.

There are several different forms of depression:

Major Depression

This form of depression may also be referred to as “clinical depression”. Major Depression lasts at least 2 weeks and will interfere with daily function. Some symptoms may include loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, low to no motivation, sleep problems, change in appetite, and feelings of worthlessness. (See below for more symptoms).

Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD)

Persistent Depressive Disorder is also known as Dysthymia. This type of depression typically has less intense symptoms but lasts for at least 2 years.

Perinatal Depression

Perinatal Depression occurs during pregnancy or after childbirth. Prenatal Depression occurs during pregnancy and Postpartum Depression occurs after childbirth.

Some mothers may stop breast feeding, struggle to bond with their newborn, or have increased feelings of suicide.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder or (SAD) is a type of depression that arises during seasonal changes. Typically SAD symptoms begin in the late fall or early winter when daylight hours are shorter. Depression symptoms may range from mild to severe.

As a mom, you don't always have to feel sad. Depression can occur at any time and sometimes more often after you've had a baby. Whether you're struggling with Major Clinical Depression, Perinatal Depression, or SAD- Seasonal Affective Disorder, Depression Therapy across the state of North Carolina or South Carolina may be helpful for you. Service area includes Triangle Area, Charlotte Metro, and NC state-wide. Call today to begin Depression Therapy in North Carolina.

What Are The Symptoms of Depression?

You might find yourself struggling to get out of bed in the morning, feeling disconnected from your loved ones, and wondering where your joy has gone.

Many women facing depression feel trapped in a cycle of low energy and overwhelming sadness, unsure of how to break free. You might feel like you’re just going through the motions, unable to fully engage with your children or enjoy life.

Depression Symptoms

  • Sadness
  • Anxiety
  • Lost Interest in Pleasurable Activities
  • Fatigue
  • Changes in Appetite
  • Changes in Sleep Patterns
  • Restlessness
  • Emptiness
  • Low Sex Drive
  • Thoughts of Self-Harm or Suicide
  • Irritability
  • Feeling Hopeless, Helpless or Worthless
  • Guilt
  • No Motivation

Therapy for Depression Can Help

Sometimes you may feel alone, lost, or isolated. Everything just seems like too much. Doing the simplest tasks feels like walking through mud while wearing a 300-pound backpack. Throw demanding kids, their schedule, and a partner into the mix and all you can think of doing is locking yourself in the bathroom to cry.

In therapy, we can explore what’s keeping you stuck so that you can finally wake up feeling refreshed, excited to spend time with your family, and interested in enjoying the hobbies you used to enjoy.

Women struggling with depression can struggle with low motivation, wanting to sleep more often, feeling down and sad, and exhausted all the time. Whether you struggle with postpartum depression, PMDD, or Clinical Depression, Depression Therapy in the Piedmont area of North Carolina is here for you. Call today to begin Depression Therapy in North Carolina.

I Help Clients:

  • Feel confident in your ability to care for yourself and your family, without the weight of guilt or shame.
  • Reconnect with your passions and interests, finding time for activities that bring you happiness.
  • Wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day with your children.
  • Experience moments of joy and connection with your kids, even during challenging times.
  • Tackle daily tasks with a renewed sense of purpose and motivation.
  • Engage in social activities and build a support network that uplifts and encourages you.
  • See a brighter future, where you can thrive as a mom and as an individual.
Eleena Hardzinski, LMFT a certified brainspotting therapist, trauma therapist, and parenting specialist. Online Therapy provided statewide in North Carolina and South Carolina. Near the areas of Matthews, NC, Charlotte, NC, Rock Hill, SC, and the Triangle Area.

Therapy for Depression isn’t the only service I offer at my North Carolina and South Carolina online therapy practice. Other mental health services at Mosaic Reflections Therapy include:

You don’t have to live with constant sadness, guilt, feeling like you’re drowning, or crying every day. Therapy for Depression can help you…

Heal from the past

Let go of past resentments

Set healthy boundaries

Enjoy quality time with your loved ones

Feel confident in doing what you love

Mosaic Reflections Therapy serves clients online in North Carolina and South Carolina. Eleena specializes in helping women heal from past traumas, find balance in their lives, overcome guilt, have healthy boundaries, improve communication with their families, and regain confidence and joy in their lives. 

Step 1

Contact Eleena Hardzinski, LMFT to schedule your first appointment/intake session.

Step 2

Meet with Eleena Hardzinski, LMFT for an intake session.

Step 3

Start healing from the sadness and lack of motivation, and begin to find joy in life while doing what you love with the people you love.